Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

Main Use:

Neurotoxins that destroy Sodium and Potassium balance causing tremors, convulsions and deaths

Common Products:

  • Hexchlorocyclohexane (HCH)--Also known as benzenehexachloride (BHC)
  • Cyclodienes-- Chlordane, Aldrin and Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Endrin, Mirex, Endosulfan, and Chlordecone (KeponeĀ®)
  • Polychloroterpenes--Toxaphene, and Strobane
  • Diphenyl Aliphatics-- DDT, DDD, Dicofol, Ethylan, Chlorobenzilate, and Methoxychlor

Additional Information:

  • Some restricted uses are still allowed for US usage including: Chlordane, Endosulfan, and Kepone
  • Most Chlorinated Hydrocarbons are no longer used in the US
  • Many 3rd World Countries still use this family of pesticides, even using DDT to try to control Malaria carrying mosquitoes


Main Use:

Neurotoxin that alters nerve responses, and affects red blood cell and plasma levels. Causes twitching of voluntary muscles and ultimately paralysis.

Demeton, Dicapthon, Guthion, Malathion, and Parathion

Additional Information:
Organophosphates were originally developed and refined during World War II as nerve gas. This family of pesticides highly toxic to animals and people. They are proven to be carecenogenic (cause cancer), and teratogenic (cause genetic defects).


Main Use:

Attacks the central nervous system causing tremors and paralysis

Common Names:
Sevin, Cabaryl, Carbfuran, Methamyl, Aldicarb, Carbosulfan

Additional Information:
Carbamates are less toxic to animals than most Organophosphates. They work in much the same way as Organophosphates, despite their chemical differences. Carbamates have been used in the US since 1956.


Nematodicides (worm killers), insecticide, herbicides, and fungicides

Narcotics: inducing sleep, narcosis, unconsciousness, and death

Common Names:
Methyl Bromide (being fazed out of all usage worldwide) Ethylene oxide, Chlorothene, Metam-potassium, Hydrogen Cyanide

Additional Information:
As the majority of fumigants are similar to WWI's mustard gas, these pesticides are mostly Restricted Use Pesticides. Many states require applicators to have a fumigant endorsement.


Killing unwanted plants or weeds